After plans fell through, I decided to head along to Joy Crookes and honestly, it felt like the universe said “you need to be here”. I didn’t actually know Joy’s music that well but I had heard some and knew I’d probably enjoy it but sharing that experience with a whole room of people and hearing the music raw & live was another level. But anyway, let me dive into it a bit more.

Opening the show was Liyah Knight (Alliyah Cici Adejoke Fareo) from Sydney Australia. This beautiful women took the stage with another women (Crystal) by her side on the keys. I was not the only person to think she was beautiful either, that was something regularly being shouted from the crowd. Some even went as far as to ask her to marry them. She clearly did not expect this reception from the Auckland crowd and seemed overwhelmed but in a great way. In saying that there were definitely fans in the crowd who knew her and sang along loudly. Her voice was incredible and though she went from standing there to sitting on a stool, I didn’t mind at all. Her beauty and voice truly made it an incredible and intimate listening experience.
The track that caught me off guard was when she covered ‘Elliots Song‘ from Euphoria. Hearing that live and being able to sing along to that publicly was quite nice [I know there’s mixed reviews on that track but I love it]. Liyah ended her set with a track called ‘TIPSY’ and had the whole crowd swaying their arms along. 



Joy Crookes…JOY CROOKES! A 4-piece band took the stage before Joy herself made her way on. Thought her and her band gave more of a family vibe and you could feel that. The Powerstation was packed and everyone was so excited to see her. Even on the upstairs balcony, the crowd was about 2-3 rows deep. I don’t think she realised how much as she had to restart her song ‘Trouble‘ as she said she usually has to hype the crowd beforehand but Auckland just went in. Someone in the crowd held up an inflatable alien which seemed super random and I wasn’t sure if there was any context to it but she acknowledged saying she likes it and she believes in them – so we all learned something (if that wasn’t already public knowledge).
The crowd sang so loudly when Joy performed ‘Don’t let me down‘ but I have to say the moment that got me was when she dedicated ‘Skin‘ to Eliza who recently passed after having her life taken. She heard about it through friends of friends and could see how it was affecting the community in Auckland (She truly touched so many people’s lives). I didn’t know Eliza but I know a lot of people that did and there were a few teary eyes in that audience I spotted.

The move into power with doing a Kendrick cover and performing her track ‘Power‘ and saying how it’s about pussy and to show some fucking respect – You love to hear/see it. There was an interlude moment with the whole encore walk off  vibe. The crowd stomped and did everything the could to bring her back, which they did. She explained it was a bit more delayed as she needed to pee. Joy wrapped things by “waking us to London” with ‘Two Nights‘. What an incredible set. GO SEE HER LIVE!


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