‘Wolv3s’ featuring Pharaoh SWAMi was created as a message to humanity.
I have dedicated my life over the past three years of pursuing my passion in song writing and creating music with other very talented artists.
My purpose in this is to raise the frequency and collective consciousness of humanity with truth through music.
I hope to inspire and awaken people to their greatest potential.
My intentions is always to create music that is uplifting and empowering and creates a sense of unity with one and all.
We have a powerful online community, The Warriors Of Light, where teachers, healers and leaders from all over the world come together and support one another to evolve mentally, physically and spiritually.
Our message is one of love, unity and freedom.

Pharaoh Swami
“Isaac (Walia. Ibex) is one of my best mates and we do a lot of things together, music being one of them. It’s been a blessing watching him blossom in to an artist and naturally, a lot of his music I’m blessed to feature on with him. So expect a consistently high caliber arsenal for him, ’cause we went all the way in on his content”
Filmed & Edited by: CiderFilm